Opportunité Bassin du Congo - bourse (MSc/PhD)
Bonjour Tous, Je te partage une opportunité de bourse (MSc/PhD) pour les nationaux du Bassin du Congo sur les questions environnementales. Bien vouloir diffuser au large réseau des jeunes du REJEFAC, à vos membres , étudiants et concernés . Le guide est joint en annexe.
Land Cover and Land Use Change Observatory
Mapping forest management policies and their impacts on forest degradation in the Congo Basin
PhD Scholarship with Dr. Médard Obiang Ebanega, Omar Bongo University, Gabon
Land Cover and Land Use Change Observatory
Mapping the degradation of the Congo Basin forests
PhD Scholarship with Dr. Médard Obiang Ebanega, Omar Bongo University, Gabon
Socio-ecology Observatory
5 MSc in Environmental Anthropology (UCL) followed by doctoral studies at Omar Bongo University (UOB)
5 Master's + PhD Scholarships
Supervisory team: Prof. Jerome Lewis, UCL (UK), Prof. Paulin Kialo, CENAREST (Gabon), Prof. Guy Moussavou, National Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (Republic of Congo)
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
Management of forest and agroforestry ecosystems
Master's Scholarship with Prof. Lucie Félicité Temgoua, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
The impact of selective logging and the role of international certification on carbon stocks
Master's Scholarship at the National School of Water and Forests or the University of Science and Technology of Masuku with Prof. Donald Midoko Iponga, CENAREST, Gabon
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
Assessing the ecosystem services of agroforestry systems
PhD Fellowship with Prof. Lucie Félicité Temgoua, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
Dynamics of above-ground biomass and changes in carbon stocks of selectively managed forests in Central Africa
Doctoral Scholarship at the University of Science and Technology of Masuku with Prof. Donald Midoko Iponga, CENAREST, Gabon
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
Understanding the drivers of the central African intact forest carbon sink
PhD Scholarship with Prof Simon Lewis, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
le guide est joint, lisez toutes les bourses !
CBSI Fully Funded MSc and PhD Scholarships to start in September 2025
Could you be part of the first cohort of CBSI postgraduate researchers?
Are you motivated to collect and analyse the data needed for policies that slow deforestation, improve livelihoods and support sustainable development? The first set of CBSI scholarships is funded by UK International Development, under the project CRAFT-Sustainable Development, part of the UK government’s Congo Basin Forest Action Programme.
Scholarships will be awarded on a full-time basis and include a stipend to cover living costs, all university tuition fees, and research costs such as equipment and field expenses. CBSI welcomes applications from individuals with outstanding talent and identifiable potential from all walks of life. Scholarships are open to nationals of Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Republic of the Congo who are also resident in one of these countries.
Application deadline: 28 February 2025
Application Guide: attached
Find out more: https://congobasinscience.net/
Scholarships available
Climate and Meteorology Observatory
Evaluation and characterization of a new hydrometeorological dataset with satellite and reassay products in the Congo Basin (HydroData–BC)
Master's Scholarship at the University of Kinshasa with Dr. Georges-Noel Longandjo, Higher Institute of Applied Techniques of Kinshasa
28 Feb 2025
Climate and Meteorology Observatory
Convection over the Congo Basin
PhD Scholarship with Prof Richard Washington, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
28 Feb 2025
Climate and Meteorology Observatory
Diurnal and seasonal variability of convection in Central Africa – comparison between different vegetation types and their associated physical processes
Doctoral Fellowship with Dr. Georges-Noel Longandjo, Higher Institute of Applied Techniques of Kinshasa, DR Congo
28 Feb 2025
Climate and Meteorology Observatory
The Congo Basin rainfall paradox
PhD Scholarship with Prof Wilfried Pokam Mba, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon
28 Feb 2025
Biodiversity Observatory
Aquaculture and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
Master's Scholarship with Prof. Emmanuel Abwe, University of Lubumbashi, DR Congo
28 Feb 2025
Biodiversity Observatory
Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Master's Scholarship with Prof. Bila-Isia Inogwabini, Catholic University of Congo, DR Congo
28 Feb 2025
Biodiversity Observatory
Fish in the Congo Basin: diversity, distribution, abundance and interaction with mammals
PhD Fellowship with Prof. Emmanuel Abwe, University of Lubumbashi, DR Congo
Biodiversity Observatory
What are the effects of different land uses on mammalian distribution in the Mabali Scientific Reserve area, Democratic Republic of Congo?
Doctoral Fellowship with Prof. Bila-Isia Inogwabini, Catholic University of Congo, DR Congo
Biodiversity Observatory
What drives patterns of biodiversity in the Congo Basin?
PhD Scholarship with Prof Katharine Abernethy, University of Stirling, United Kingdom
Hydrology and Freshwater Observatory
Water Resources
Master's Scholarship with Prof. Raphaël Tshimanga, University of Kinshasa, DR Congo
Hydrology and Freshwater Observatory
Earth and Universe Science
Master's Scholarship at the University of Yaoundé I with Bernadette Nka Nnomo, Centre de Recherches sur l'Eau et Changements Climat (CRECC), Cameroon
Hydrology and Freshwater Observatory
Monitoring and modelling of hydrological flows under current and future land-use and climate change scenarios in the Kasai River sub-basin, Congo Basin
PhD Fellowship with Prof. Raphaël Tshimanga, University of Kinshasa, DR Congo
Hydrology and Freshwater Observatory
Hydrodynamic assessment of the Sangha basin – sensitivity of flows to climate change and land use
PhD Scholarship at the University of Yaoundé I with Bernadette Nka Nnomo, Centre de Recherches sur l'Eau et Changements Climat (CRECC), Cameroon
Hydrology and Freshwater Observatory
Monitoring water flux dynamics between the Congo River main-stem and Cuvette Centrale wetlands
PhD Scholarship with Prof Mark Trigg, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Land Cover and Land Use Change Observatory
Mapping of forest regeneration of former forest sites, link with rainfall
PhD Scholarship with Prof. Suspense Averti Ifo, Marien N'Gouabi University, Republic of Congo
Land Cover and Land Use Change Observatory
Assessing the regional climate impacts of deforestation and forest degradation in the Congo Basin
PhD Scholarship with Prof Dominick Spracklen, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Land Cover and Land Use Change Observatory
Mapping the degradation of the Congo Basin forests
PhD Scholarship with Dr. Médard Obiang Ebanega, Omar Bongo University, Gabon
Socio-ecology Observatory
5 MSc in Environmental Anthropology (UCL) followed by doctoral studies at Omar Bongo University (UOB)
5 Master's + PhD Scholarships
Supervisory team: Prof. Jerome Lewis, UCL (UK), Prof. Paulin Kialo, CENAREST (Gabon), Prof. Guy Moussavou, National Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (Republic of Congo)
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
Management of forest and agroforestry ecosystems
Master's Scholarship with Prof. Lucie Félicité Temgoua, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
The impact of selective logging and the role of international certification on carbon stocks
Master's Scholarship at the National School of Water and Forests or the University of Science and Technology of Masuku with Prof. Donald Midoko Iponga, CENAREST, Gabon
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
Assessing the ecosystem services of agroforestry systems
PhD Fellowship with Prof. Lucie Félicité Temgoua, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
Dynamics of above-ground biomass and changes in carbon stocks of selectively managed forests in Central Africa
Doctoral Scholarship at the University of Science and Technology of Masuku with Prof. Donald Midoko Iponga, CENAREST, Gabon
Vegetation, Soil and Biogeochemistry Observatory
Understanding the drivers of the central African intact forest carbon sink
PhD Scholarship with Prof Simon Lewis, University of Leeds, United Kingdom